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Early Years; High Regard for the Books

EYFS. The Early Years Foundation Statutory Framework (Link to Government website) Practitioners recognise these Inventive Books, by new author Nicola Copson, are invaluable resources, in supporting one of the three prime areas of learning within the EYFS; Communication & Language.

The Success

Early Years Sectors including Charities are now purchasing, signposting & requesting additional information; ensuring support to their children & families.

The Comment

' We are currently looking into resources for communication & language & feel these books would be perfect'

Early Years Provider - NW. Mar'22.

The Benefits

Communication & language expectations for children entering school for the first time, are immense.

These books; one of the many resources available to parents & educational practitioners who are seeking to:- 1) enhance their child's communication

2) support their child's confidence in early reading - 'Early Readers', (for additional information - link to Government The reading Framework) 3) Fundamentally, have fun; are now available to purchase direct from this website

The Purchase

Purchase, One Day One Year & One Day One Week, direct from the website or from other online platforms.

'Get them Prepared' Great Offer.

Order Direct - 2 Books for Under £10 (plus p&p).


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